Finding out you’re pregnant when the pandemic news hit us all (for me in mid-March), I was thanking my lucky stars that everything I needed was online. Then I got overwhelmed. Read more…

Because You Are Perfection, Mama! As Is.
Finding out you’re pregnant when the pandemic news hit us all (for me in mid-March), I was thanking my lucky stars that everything I needed was online. Then I got overwhelmed. Read more…
Don’t wait for the sales to come to you, find the everyday deals hiding in plain sight! Here are FIVE ways to save money right now, MINUS searching countless sites for codes! Read more…
So how do we stop comparing and start seeing a more accurate reflection of ourselves in the mirror? Here are the things that work for me to shift from perfectionism to peace (and away from the Cheez-Its, unless I really want them, in which case, it’s snack attack time and I’m sure my son appreciates it!) Read more…