Month: November 2020

Four Things to Be Grateful for About Being 4 Days Overdue

It’s Thanksgiving and right now, at 40.5 weeks pregnant, I feel like a stuffed turkey. Not that I have any room for Turkey. Although for stuffing, I will make an exception. I never imagined I would still be pregnant on Thanksgiving because my due date was November 22nd… then Sunday the 22nd came and went… and so did Monday, and Tuesday, and then Wednesday…  Read more…

10 Proven Ways To Take Your Mind Off An Overdue Baby

For any of my other due date anticipating mamas (and those whose date has come and gone), you know how the weekly checkups start to feel. It’s an exercise in waddling into your appointment solo, breathing as deeply as you can with a mask on, and waiting to hear you’ll be waiting some more. You’re grateful but start to ponder that patience is an overrated virtue. Read more…

Turning a Breech Baby: What Happened During My External Cephalic Version (ECV)

When I found out my baby boy was still breech at 37 weeks, I was nervous. I knew this meant a likely cesarean section. I’ve had abdominal surgery before and wanted to avoid another surgery if at all possible. Yet, I didn’t see a way to deliver vaginally if he wouldn’t flip on his own… Read more…