Neurodivergent parenting

Finnley Playing his Guitar

It’s a Finnley-Sweet Symphony: Nurturing Neurodivergent Talents in Music

Hey there, mama friends! Today, I’m diving into a story that fills my heart with joy—the musical odyssey of my little maestro, Finnley. His love for performing has inspired me to share this post about nurturing neurodivergent talents in music, starting from the moment they start expressing themselves. [The picture of Finnley was taken just […] Read more…

Embracing the Journey: Navigating Neurodivergent Days with Love & Resilience

Sharing the hard moments, because they need to be shared too Hey there, Perfection Mama community, Let’s talk about the tough moments, shall we? First and foremost, I’m talking about the moments we most avoid [or at least this mama tends to]. The ones that test our patience, challenge our resilience, and even sometimes bring […] Read more…

Embracing Everyday Magic: A Pair of Sunglasses & Self-Love

You don’t need to earn unconditional love; it’s already yours Hey there, mama friends! There’s nothing like some sunglasses to remind you to get present enough to enjoy the true brilliance of the little things. And also, to give yourself a break! Does your day feel so jam-packed that even your thoughts offer little space […] Read more…

Please stop telling me my kid is “fine”

I know you’re trying to be helpful; here’s what not to say—and what to say instead. “I’ve wanted to write an article like this for a long time but hesitated. It’s a giant elephant in the room because I know that many people mean well, and also, I was raised to be more of a […] Read more…

Celebrating Everyday Victories and Finding Joy in Neurodivergent Parenting

Cold [Strong] Coffee, School Evaluations, & Bathtime Success The good days might feel outnumbered, but they are never outweighed. They are our beacons of hope, lighting our way through the choppy waters of loving, parenting, and advocating for neurodivergent kids. “Neurodivergent parenting: ‘In the journey of raising neurodivergent kids, it’s not just about the destination […] Read more…