When our baby came home from the hospital, here are the five things that saved us as new parents. Here’s to the only extra space in your closet being taken up by diapers (because trust me, you’re going to need them!). Read more…

Because You Are Perfection, Mama! As Is.
When our baby came home from the hospital, here are the five things that saved us as new parents. Here’s to the only extra space in your closet being taken up by diapers (because trust me, you’re going to need them!). Read more…
It’s Thanksgiving and right now, at 40.5 weeks pregnant, I feel like a stuffed turkey. Not that I have any room for Turkey. Although for stuffing, I will make an exception. I never imagined I would still be pregnant on Thanksgiving because my due date was November 22nd… then Sunday the 22nd came and went… and so did Monday, and Tuesday, and then Wednesday… Read more…
For any of my other due date anticipating mamas (and those whose date has come and gone), you know how the weekly checkups start to feel. It’s an exercise in waddling into your appointment solo, breathing as deeply as you can with a mask on, and waiting to hear you’ll be waiting some more. You’re grateful but start to ponder that patience is an overrated virtue. Read more…
When I found out my baby boy was still breech at 37 weeks, I was nervous. I knew this meant a likely cesarean section. I’ve had abdominal surgery before and wanted to avoid another surgery if at all possible. Yet, I didn’t see a way to deliver vaginally if he wouldn’t flip on his own… Read more…
“Milky Ways are now a food group, deal with it.” Much to my surprise, I was far from alone in the sudden cravings and aversions department! In fact, everything from pickles to peanut butter is extremely common as far as cravings go! Read more…
You are NOT alone if insomnia has you up at night — if you’re having pregnancy dreams, or, let’s call a spade a spade — nightmares — not only are you not alone but you’re in good (albeit probably very tired) company! Read more…
Finding out you’re pregnant when the pandemic news hit us all (for me in mid-March), I was thanking my lucky stars that everything I needed was online. Then I got overwhelmed. Read more…
So how do we stop comparing and start seeing a more accurate reflection of ourselves in the mirror? Here are the things that work for me to shift from perfectionism to peace (and away from the Cheez-Its, unless I really want them, in which case, it’s snack attack time and I’m sure my son appreciates it!) Read more…
Perinatal OCD. Clutching my iPhone at 2 am, and squinting at the screen, my mind spinning, my heart sinking under the weight of a racing brain sped up by lack of sleep, I was positive – I definitely had a problem. And I had to get to the bottom of it. Read more…