Far beyond just what’s on my plate, I’m really grateful for all of the ways Thanksgiving has been different this year (despite the pandemic)… and am enjoying just savoring this sweet space, this brief moment in time between what’s going to happen and what currently is… because too often life goes too fast and we don’t have the chance to.

It’s Thanksgiving and right now, at 40.5 weeks pregnant, I feel like a stuffed turkey. Not that I have any room for Turkey. Although for stuffing, I will make an exception. 😊

I never imagined I would still be pregnant on Thanksgiving because my due date was November 22nd and I almost had my son toward the beginning of the month (more on that in this post about my external version at week 37 here).

Then Sunday the 22nd came and went… and so did Monday, and Tuesday, and then Wednesday… though they crawled because of the countless hours of insomnia.

I definitely feel like a new mother in training who is really ready to get this baby in my arms (a much more comfortable spot I am sure of it) and get started.

With that said, I am so grateful for Thanksgiving for this chance to focus on the things I LOVE about still being pregnant.

So instead of focusing on things like lower back pain and abdominal pressure and looking up the probability of my son being born each day, I wanted to take a moment and look at what this extra time has gifted me in the present with the gratitude it deserves. Here are the four things I’m most grateful for about still being pregnant.

1. Time With My Husband

If you’re like me, and you’ve been anticipating the baby for a while, you may have done a babymoon as well as you could during the pandemic, or otherwise made sure you spent quality time with your significant other.

The best thing about being with your best friend though is that you can never really get enough time! Who’s with me? 😊

Having these extra days has been an amazing opportunity to really savor the small moments between the two of us, just sipping (mostly decaf) coffee in the music room where my husband plays guitars, while we sing together while just the two of us, petting our dog and enjoying making him the center of attention while we still can.

None of this was anything I still expected to be doing this week and I am soaking up every minute of our family as it currently is before welcoming in this next chapter. And our solo family Thanksgiving is that much sweeter because of this overtime.

Plus our couch is way more comfortable than a hospital bed, which is what we had originally anticipated for this day.

2. Getting to Eat Allllll of That Pumpkin Pie

And why not? I’m STILL pregnant and getting more pregnant all the time!

Admittedly, it’s a little cramped up in here, so while I’m definitely not having as much as I would normally, I am enjoying the holiday indulgences of Thanksgiving pretty guilt-free WITH a twist. The twist is that there are no rules except to give in to cravings today.

Pumpkin pie for breakfast? Absolutely, bring it! A bonus is that cravings during pregnancy have made me like different types of food, including craving stuffing and only stuffing, which has made for a unique Thanksgiving. Less chocolate everything like in years past, and more salty stuff, please!

Far beyond just what’s on my plate, I’m really grateful for all of the ways Thanksgiving has been different this year (despite the pandemic) because I know that being pregnant is a special time, especially during the holidays! And being a stuffed turkey just makes me effortlessly festive.

3. Savoring Extra 1:1 Moments with My Son

I’ve heard that I’m going to want to protect my son in a bubble for the rest of his life. After 40 weeks of scans and tests in which I worried about him, I absolutely agree and know exactly what that sentiment means.

I already want to be able to ensure he is safe for the rest of his life, and while I know I can’t realistically do so (though in my mind I haven’t let that go yet), it’s a beautiful thing to be able to provide him with all-encompassing safety for a while longer.

Right now I feel him kicking inside of me and I know that not only is he OK and safe, but that it’s a cozy and comforting time for the both of us (other than the aforementioned back pain).

Teasing aside, having this extra time where it’s just the two of us has really made me appreciate having the chance to breathe, wonder, and dream about my baby boy.

What is holding him going to be like? What will his little personality be? Will he have his Daddy’s smile?

So far I’ve managed to keep my mind a pretty blank slate as far as any concrete anticipations, minus a few guesses between my husband and I, but I can’t wait to see the wonderful little person he becomes.

One thing I do already know is that he runs late like his dad. 😊 His dad was also an overdue baby. I came at week 37. Go figure! Seriously though, I love him and his dad so dearly that if him running late is the problem we’re dealing with, hey I’ll enjoy the extra rest in the moments I’m still able to manage it.

I can’t wait for what’s next. But patience is a virtue that I’m still practicing, so this is a pretty sweet way to do so.

4. Having a Moment to Pause and Fully Live in the Present

Now I know everything I mentioned, from enjoying my husband’s company and extra time with my son to indulging in cravings of all kinds points to enjoying the present moment.

But in this case, I also mean savoring the simple things that are true for me right now. Like the fact that I’m still anticipating Finnley (our son’s name). That this morning I walked by his room and I again thought about what it was going to be like to be putting him in his crib, rocking him in his rocking chair, and just being present with my newborn.

Sometimes I look down at him in my belly and just wonder what it’ll be like, breathing into that present moment. Just walking around the house as it is now. Enjoying it decorated for Christmas right now with pictures of my husband, myself, and our dog up. And a Finnley 3D ultrasound frame displayed on our credenza.

Really enjoying just savoring this sweet space, this brief moment in time between what’s going to happen and what currently is. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity for a pause because too often life goes too fast and we don’t have the chance to do those things.

What Are You Grateful For?

In my previous post, I came up with quite a list of things to do to keep your mind off of the baby being overdue. But it has been really nice to reflect on what it is like to still be pregnant and finding the many gifts within that.

What have you found to be grateful for in this moment in time while you wait for your baby to arrive?

When you’re overdue, it can feel like forever, but it really is just a short window, and a new forever is just around the corner.

So enjoy what is, and remember that a year (even six months) from now with your sweet baby, being overdue likely won’t even be something you recall. As I keep reminding myself!

Let me know in the comments or in the mama forum if you are an overdue or soon to be overdue mama. I would love to support you!

Happy Thanksgiving, and remember that the next time you find yourself tossing and turning in the middle of the night just trying to get comfortable, you have all the things you’re grateful for to help you laugh yourself back to sleep when you take it all too seriously.

And remember to give yourself grace! Because you are perfection, mama! As-is.

With Love,  Megan