Finnley Playing his guitar

Hey there, mama friends!

Today, I’m diving into a story that fills my heart with joy—the musical odyssey of my little maestro, Finnley. His love for performing has inspired me to share this post about nurturing neurodivergent talents in music, starting from the moment they start expressing themselves.

[The picture of Finnley was taken just today, and yep, that’s Dad’s guitar pick in his hand, he’s very serious about technique!  🙂]

Picture this: Finnley, barely two years old, belting out his very first “solo” in the bathtub. The room’s acoustics echoed with the sounds of bubbles, splashes, and the sheer magic of his tiny voice stealing the show with a plastic microphone in hand. His love for spontaneous performances has only grown since then!

Finnley’s musical passion isn’t limited to singing; he plays makeshift drums with straws and chopsticks and strums a toy guitar with his dad’s guitar pick, infusing every note with an intensity of purpose only Finnley could. His unique rhythm and boundless creativity are such a source of joy for our family. His language has had its ups and downs, but through music, he speaks volumes. It’s truly a window into his little soul, revealing all the sweetness and intensity inside of him.

What warms my heart the most is that Finnley shares his love for singing with me and his passion for guitar with his dad, a fellow enthusiast. Together, they create moments that tug at my heartstrings. Their musical jam sessions are a world of strums and laughter, and it’s a beautiful language all their own.

As mentioned, music has become Finnley’s consistent way of communicating and it’s such a gift to us. Music is his truest, most consistent language, his innate skill, and his superpower. And you know what? He’s sharing this superpower with the world, one beautiful note at a time.

He seems to instinctively grasp the essence of creative expression and has taught us so much about what makes for sensory-friendly music activities, just for him. His playground is where his imagination soars and his talents shine—loud and proud, as much as Mom and Dad will let him (and we’re his biggest fans so he often goes until fatigued from it!). Get ready to see his musical adventures in action—I’ll be sharing videos on social media in the future, I am sure.

“To all the moms nurturing neurodivergent talents in the action-packed, amazing, hard, and heartwarming journey of parenting a neurodivergent child, I want you to know that I see you, celebrating your kids and being their biggest cheerleaders. You’re not alone in advocating for the inclusion of their remarkable talents at school and in life at large. Through their fearless, joyful expression of their natural-born gifts, they teach us about resilience, strength, and finding joy in life’s little pleasures, even when a guitar string (or three as in this picture) is missing. :)”

Let’s soak in these magical moments, dance to the beats that make our kids’ hearts happy, and cherish the joy of nurturing our kids’ talents in the present moment. Always remember, you’re not just sitting in the front row; you’re the conductor of your child’s unique symphony. We should assemble an orchestra because, with all these amazing kids, you know it would be perfection, mamas! As-is. 🙂

Sending so much love [and music!] your way,

Megan ✨