How to Make Beautiful DIY Pregnancy, Gender Reveal & Birth Announcements

When I was ready to tell the world I was pregnant, it was well into spring, and quarantine made it clear I needed to go digital… Throughout my pregnancy, for any announcement, I’ve used PicMonkey (and some cool graphics and other art from them AND other affordable resources I’ll share). Read more…

Instagram & Pregnancy: How to Stop Comparing Your Life (and Body!) & Enjoy It

So how do we stop comparing and start seeing a more accurate reflection of ourselves in the mirror? Here are the things that work for me to shift from perfectionism to peace (and away from the Cheez-Its, unless I really want them, in which case, it’s snack attack time and I’m sure my son appreciates it!) Read more…

Midnight Googlers Unite: Before You Hit Search, Here’s What You Need to Know

Perinatal OCD. Clutching my iPhone at 2 am, and squinting at the screen, my mind spinning, my heart sinking under the weight of a racing brain sped up by lack of sleep, I was positive – I definitely had a problem. And I had to get to the bottom of it. Read more…

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