I hesitated to share the realities… but [realized my silence has been] contributing to the collective isolation I’ve read about from so many moms with neurodivergent kids. So here I am rededicating this blog to YOU, MAMA! This blog isn’t just about my experiences; it’s our shared story—the highs, the lows, the messy bits, and those moments of pure, unadulterated joy. They’re in there, and we’ll talk about those too!

Hey there, mama friends (new and old)!

I’m Megan, and I’m back to Perfection Mama after a three-year break! Life has been a ride—so let’s just buckle up with a list: I had my baby boy, moved, got my big break as a Senior UX Copywriter for a tech company, received an ADHD diagnosis, discovered a new level of personal understanding, watched all of my relationships change, entered into the joys (and sleeplessness!) of parenthood with my husband, and lost track of time until my son was almost three.

I pick up this blog again in big part because of Finnley, my sweet baby boy who is now my one-of-a-kind kid I can’t even describe my level of love for. It is unlike anything I have ever felt. The kind of love that carries you through the tantrums and melts your heart when they hug you, reflecting their pure love back. Finnley has so many ways of showing his love.

From his earliest days, I sensed his uniqueness, his beautiful spirit trying to express itself but experiencing a push-pull, an invisible blocker to being able to express himself the way he wants. The frustration that follows for him when he can’t. The pure joy we all feel when he has good days, plays with others without too much trouble, learns a new word. The confusion when he loses those words, then instead of taking turns or sharing attention from the daycare teacher, grunts, screams and hits in anger. The hope when he has good days again and finds new words to replace the old ones, even strings a few together. Soon we will know if he is diagnosed with Autism, one day we may find he has ADHD, but for now we live every day enjoying the good ones and getting through the bad ones as best we can. Our journey has been eye-opening, challenging, and at times, incredibly isolating.

I hesitated to share the realities of having a child with speech and other developmental delays, but realized that NOT writing about it is not only hurting more, but it’s contributing to the collective isolation I have read about from so many moms with neurodivergent kids. So here I am rededicating this blog to YOU, MAMA! This blog isn’t just about my experiences; it’s our shared story—the highs, the lows, the messy bits, and those moments of pure, unadulterated joy. They’re in there and we’re going to talk about those too!

Here, in this cozy virtual space, we’ll navigate the uncharted waters of neurodiversity together. Motherhood, career pursuits, dreams, and the challenges that come with them—we’ll talk about it all. Let’s draw strength from each other as fellow mamas (and dedicated dads, we see you!), walking a similar path. Perfection Mama is more than a blog; it’s a warm, supportive corner of the internet where every voice is valued, every struggle acknowledged, and every win celebrated, especially the small everyday ones.

So, grab a metaphorical cup of coffee, settle in, and join me in embracing life’s beautiful imperfections. You’re not alone, my friend. Let’s journey together, embracing the warmth of community and the power of knowing that no matter what comes next, we’ve got this! You’re perfection, mama! As-is! 

Sending so much love your way!

P.S. I’m always happy to hear from you! Feel free to reach out below, whether to share a personal story or work together. It’s all welcome here!